Service Description
Updated Nov 7th, 2024
This Service Description applies to the web-based typing tutor sold under the brand name TypeTastic.
Service Provider. The capitalized term Service Provider refers to Taito Learning, Inc., the developer, intellectual property rights owner, and publisher of a web-based typing tutor service, whose registered office is at Mannerheiminaukio 1 A / SPACES, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.
Subscriber. The customer institution named in the registration. The Subscriber provides access to the Service to its Authorized Users and is responsible for payment fees and implementation of the Service.
Service. The capitalized term Service refers to the web-based typing tutor sold under the brand name TypeTastic, any updates to the typing tutor, and any related online documentation.
Authorized Users. Authorized users are:
(a) every member of staff employed by or otherwise accredited by the Subscriber; or
(b) every student accredited to the Subscriber for the purpose of full-time or part-time attendance; or
(c) registered users of the Subscriber’s library and walk-in patrons who access the Service through workstations physically located in the Subscriber’s library and are under the control and administration of the Subscriber;
in each case who are permitted access to the Service by the Subscriber.
TypeTastic Service Description
TypeTastic is an easy and flexible typing tutor which gives the students the tools to learn fluent touch-typing technique through a variety of games and activities.
TypeTastic Versions
TypeTastic Free Activities with ads
All 700+ activities for all grade levels. Ads shown on the website are fully COPPA compliant, ensuring that the ads are appropriate content-wise and that the children’s personal data will not be collected.
TypeTastic Free Activities ad-free
Teachers can sign up to get aforementioned activities ad-free.
TypeTastic School Edition
TypeTastic School Edition features full K-12 keyboarding curriculum along with a suite of teacher tools.
TypeTastic School Edition comprises the following two main sections:
- TypeTastic Dashboard: Management tools for administrators and teachers only. This section is used by administrators and teachers to manage users and courses and to view progress reports.
- Student View: Studying section for all students.
Administrators and teachers have access to the TypeTastic Dashboard and the Student View. Students do not have access to the Teacher Dashboard side and are taken directly to the Student View when they log in.
Teacher Dashboard
You can perform the following actions on Teacher Dashboard:
- Manage users, monitor their progress and generate printable reports
- Customize curriculum settings
- Create typing tests
- Control lesson progress by setting up activity and lesson locks
- Modify pass limits for lessons and units
- Control student settings
- Control TypeTastic account settings
Student View
Students have access to course materials and are able to view their own reports on Student View.
Study materials
- Unit 1: My Keyboard Adventure
- Unit 2: All Fingers Aboard
- Unit 3: Ready, Set, Type! K-5
- Unit 4: Ready, Set, Type! 6+
- Unit 5: Full Speed Ahead
- Unit 6: Catch Those Numbers
- Unit 7: The Secret of Symbols
- Unit 8: Know Your Numpad
- Unit 9: Motor Skills
- Unit 10: Touch Typing
- Unit 11: Speed Building
- Unit 12: Number Row
- Unit 13: Symbols
- Unit 14: Numpad
- Typing Tests
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship Curriculum for K-5: A full curriculum focusing on Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship, and Computer Science.
School / District subscription starting from $680 / year (from 150 students upward)
TypeTastic School subscriptions can be purchased by contacting the Service Provider Customer Service by phone, email or via website contact form.
The Subscriber will have a personalized URL to be used in their organization used for logging in to TypeTastic School Edition.
Clever Secure Sync
When Clever Secure Sync is enabled, students can use the TypeTastic icon in Clever portal, copy the Instant Login link from your Clever Dashboard and embed it to district intranet or web pages, or use TypeTastic native login URL. The link is shown in TypeTastic Dashboard under the page header and is in format: https://[accountId].typetastic.com
Classlink SSO
TypeTastic supports Classlink single sign-on. When enabled, students are created on the fly on first login, and are required to enter a class code to be rostered into correct classes.
Technical Requirements
Web browser is required to access TypeTastic: suggested browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. We recommend to always use the latest browser version. TypeTastic works also on iPads with iOS16 or newer operating system, and Android tablets with Android 13 or newer operating system. External keyboard is required when TypeTastic is used on iPad or Android tablet. All TypeTastic activities are implemented in HTML5 and require no add-ons.
TypeTastic is hosted by Amazon AWS in US East region.
Data privacy and legislation related to data privacy has been acknowledged when developing TypeTastic. Privacy Policy is available here.
Connection between TypeTastic and Authorized User is secured using TLS (Transport Layer Security), which is most often used to implement secure http connections (ie. HTTPS.) HTTPS keeps your data secret by encrypting it as it moves between your browser and the website’s server. This ensures that anyone listening in on the conversation can’t read anything. This could include your ISP, a hacker, snooping governments, or anyone else who manages to position themselves between you and the web server.
The automatic timeout will log users out of TypeTastic if the Service has been open and unused in the browser for 50 minutes.
TypeTastic requires the following information: login ID, password and first name. This information is used in teachers’ reports. Login ID does not have to be the student’s whole name, it can be eg. student number or another unique identifier. Passwords are encrypted.
User data can only be used for customer service or other purpose related with using the Service and it can be handed over to a third party only as assembled data without any identifying details. Authorized Users’ personal information or statistics are not handed over to a third party. Service Provider is never in direct contact with an Authorized User. Should any problems occur with the Service, Authorized Users will first contact their organization’s own contact person.
TypeTastic data is inaccessible to anyone who does not necessarily need it for their duties. Access to data requires a login and password. Our staff and service providers have committed to keeping your data confidential.